Understanding human rights by law students of the Óscar Ribas University
Human Rights, Angola, Perception, university.Abstract
The aim was to identify the understanding of human rights in Angola through case studies. With a qualitative approach, recourse to technical and legal method, literature review, and as a normative paradigm of the Constitution including the questionnaire of 30 students. In conclusion, students have a concept of human rights, of which 36.6% have heard of them in non-university education. The appointed human rights indicators are the right to life, integrity, the principle of equality and freedom of speech. There was unanimity that the Constitution is the essential rule on this matter and were cited in the Articles 30.º, 59.º and 23.º. Human rights are safeguarded, most isolated violations lack the lack of speed of the media legal cases, leaving the feeling of impunity and non-compliance with the law, especially when there is the loss of life. We urge regulation of the Law on Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration.References
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