Food sovereignty: The approach from the territories and agrifood networks


  • Adán Guillermo Ramírez García Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Centro Regional Universitario del Noroeste. México.
  • Mario Alberto Camiro Pérez Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Centro Regional Universitario del Noroeste. México.
  • Cesar Adrian Ramírez Miranda Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Dirección de Centros Regionales Universitarios. México.
  • Anastasio Espejel García Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Catedrático CONACYT. México.


Sonora, wheat, territorial development, agriculture


The Millennium Development Goals to reduce raised 400 million people the incidence of hunger by 2015; However, despite the universal recognition of the right to food, the report 2013 FAO's State of Food and Agriculture shows that 868 million people, equivalent to 12.5% of the world population, are subordinated in terms of dietary energy consumption and 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. In the case of Mexico, in maize it imported nearly 11 million tons, and beef import 40% of apparent consumption, although export nearly 2 million calves to the US. In this context, this research is justified by the fact that to date there is no systematic survey of the different strategies that are following the actors in the agro-food networks. In this case the network analysis value of wheat in Sonora, as a form of study of agrifood chains in Mexico is presented, allowing an approach and understanding of the structure and dynamics of this crop under an environment of economy Free market. The importance is observed at state and national levels for wheat, especially because in recent decades the production of durum wheat is aimed at export and in the pig sector as part of balanced meals.


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How to Cite

Ramírez García, A. G., Camiro Pérez, M. A., Ramírez Miranda, C. A., & Espejel García, A. (2017). Food sovereignty: The approach from the territories and agrifood networks. SAPIENTIAE, 2(2), 127-147.