Analitic approach to state conception through the thinking of Skocpol, Mann and Wallerstein: epistemic divergences and convergences


  • Eduardo Andres Sandoval Forero
  • José Javier Capera Figueroa


Skocpol, Mann, Wallerstein, State Autonomy, World System, State Power.


The purpose of this article is to make a description of the concept of the state present in the thinking of such theorists as Skocpol (1989), Wallerstein (2005) and Mann (2006). In order to establish the conceptual convergence that reflects the proposal of the world - system, in the autonomous actions and the autonomous power that interact in the notion of the State. In this way, it was proceed with an extensive analysis on the hemerographic production that has the theme through a rigorous systematization. In each approach we demonstrate the similarities and substantial differences that exist in the proposal, approach and methodology used by each of the exposed theorists. Where it was found that the figure of the system - world is more linked to a critical perspective, the autonomy of the State responds to a more institutional criterion, and the last, that is, autonomous power has a preponderance to have a structuralist affinity due to that in all three the State is the fundamental category. The results obtained demonstrate that the approach used by the authors mentioned has a significant difference, but it is possible to establish means of communication, to construct deeper analyzes of a subject as complex and exhaustive as can be the state for its complicated conceptualization in history, and becomes a bet where there is a kind of reflexive relationship between various approaches dedicated to the study of the state as a field of research in the social sciences.

Author Biographies

  • Eduardo Andres Sandoval Forero
    Doctor en Sociología, Maestro en Estudios Latinoamericanos, y Antropólogo Social. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México nivel II desde 1995. Profesor invitado de universidades de: Estados Unidos, América del Sur, España e Italia. Fundador y Coordinador Académico de la Maestría y el Doctorado en Educación para la Paz y la Convivencia Escolar. Investigador-Profesor del CIEAP, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • José Javier Capera Figueroa
    Politólogo de la Universidad del Tolima. Analista político y columnista del periódico el Nuevo Día y Rebelió Maestrante del Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora (México).


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How to Cite

Sandoval Forero, E. A., & Capera Figueroa, J. J. (2017). Analitic approach to state conception through the thinking of Skocpol, Mann and Wallerstein: epistemic divergences and convergences. SAPIENTIAE, 3(1), 5-24.