Analysis of the correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: Study with the pediatric nurses of the General Hospital of Luanda
Satisfaction in the Work, Organizational Compromising, Correlation, General Hospital of Luanda.Abstract
Being taken into account that the process of development of the satisfaction and the compromising in the individual are a subject that has been generating interest in the researchers, for the understanding of the mechanism of the relationships between the organizations and their employees, any factor that contributes to the development of these constructos acts through his/her impact on an or more psychological predispositions, which take an individual to hold certain way in relation to something or somebody. The satisfaction and the employees' compromising are relevant constructs that can lead to the competitive advantages and the success of the organization. In this study it is had as objective to analyze the correlation among satisfaction in the work and the compromising of the Nurses of the Pediatrics of the General Hospital of Luanda. To take to cable it was revised the theories of the hierarchy of the needs of Maslow and the theory of the factors hygienic and motivation is of Herzberg, with a lot of frequency it was used the contributions of Chiavenato (2010); Ferreira, Neves and Caetano (2011); Myers (2006); Rojot, Roussel and Vanderberghe (2009); Spector (2006) and Teixeira (2005). Para this study a research of the quantitative type was accomplished, of method exploratory-descriptive. The data were collected through two questionnaires, which it was submitted there are percentage analyses and averages, as well as, to correlations. Low satisfaction degree was verified with the wage (2,40), medium satisfaction degree in the importance of the work (3,95) and a high satisfaction degree in the relationship with the friends (4,23). There is predominance of the normative compromising in the nurses of the Pediatrics of HGL, it was also identified a weak correlation (0,27) among the satisfaction in the work and the normative compromising.References
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