The left was wrong and it is time of the insumision
Subject, insubordination, progressive Governments, emancipationAbstract
Reflection that we present is intended to lay the premises for a debate that forceus to make guesses, propose new ideas, discuss thecourse of people's movements after the defeats suffered with the experiment of the "progressive" governments, whose main characteristic was monopolizing since a bureaucratic caste that prevented the incubation of the politico-popular subject necessary and irreplaceable to achieve a social transformation deep, irreversible with emancipator profile. It was demonstrated that from the State it is not possible to forge a subject, nor invent it with rhetoricor stories extolling the popular, but denying the people their leading role. The insubordination with face, conscience and praxis is only possible in the rebellious subject, re-created in the struggle, the confrontation, in the direction of the transformation tasks and assuming the leadership that has always claimed in the revolutionary attempts of Latin America.References
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