Marx's theoretical political legacy in the bicentennial of his birth
Karl Marx, historical materialism, class struggle, scientific socialism, communism.Abstract
The bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx is an invitation to revisit his theoretical and political legacy, paraphrasing Lenin in the Three Sources and the three integral parts of Marxism, written on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his death in 1913, still raises hostility and hatred of the whole of the ruling classes, as well as when not its negation, its simplification in the academy, which is still logical in a society based on class struggle, where there can be no "impartial" science. From the critical analysis of German philosophy, French socialism and English political economy, it achieves a dialectical overcoming by articulating economics, politics, philosophy and history, understood as analytical separations of a reality that is part of a social whole. The purpose of this communication is to present a set of theoretical categories that are appearing in some of his main works and which are always related to a tactic of intervention in the class struggle of the proletariat, within the framework of a revolutionary strategy. It is a very general approach, since each book of Marx deserves a specific analysis, in which we make a cut in terms of political theory and philosophy, so we will not address its contributions in the critique of bourgeois political economy. We conclude with the necessity of the theoretical and political struggle for the independence of the working class and to recover communism as a revolutionary political project 200 years after the birth of Marx.References
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