Development of occupational stress and its incidence in university professors of Huambo
Stress occupational, Syndrome of Burnout, university teachers, Angola.Abstract
The present article has as objective to contribute in the elevation of the level of knowledge of the occupational stress among teachers of the higher education of the province of Huambo. The occupational stress stands out starting from the elements external and internal stressed. The diseases with occupational bond in the education context in the province of Huambo are not faced as part of the social life and scientific for the quality of the teachers' life. According to Farber (1991), the teacher's formation emphasizes contents and technology, being deficient the approach in the subjects of relationship interpersonal, relationship with students, administrators, parents and other situations. In that sense the social transformations happen when there are health and work, and for time related fundamentally to the administration processes and organization of the own work. The derived results of the present study allowed awakening teachers about the need of superation about it and of invigoration of the knowledge of the occupational stress, the risks, and consequences of that profession, for the best acting of their activities, as well as the prevention way. For such psychologists, doctors and professionals of the similar areas are called for best to contribute in this theme. The approach was through the qualitative research, the inquiry format for questionnaire, for the conversation and presented aleatory to seventy teachers of some higher education institutions in the province of Huambo.References
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