The pact for Mexico: a reflection on the precarious Mexican health system
Right to health, State Mexico, Health System, Health System.Abstract
The discussion on the development of the Mexican health system has been characterized by internal / external processes aimed at designing a model that could solve the structural needs of civil society to generate a system in accordance with the principles of coverage, universality, quality and efficiency, taking into account the notions expressed by Dante (2011), Mercedes (2013) y Puig (2015) among others. Thus, the purpose of this research article is to generate a theoretical discussion on the Mexican health system, where empirical elements are configured that reflect the mixed condition between the public/private sector, as it is conceived as a social right and service before the citizens Taking as reference the divergences that symbolized the pact for Mexico, being a scenario of convergence that sought to specify political / institutional routes that made counterweight to the deep problems specific to the SSM, due to the fact that it did not manage to contribute concrete solutions to the demands in the field of health that the Mexican civil society requires. The methodology used in the article was the critical analysis of the history of the models and the relationship of health with the market in the Mexican context. Some of the conclusions of the research are: 1) the existence of a system that is incongruent with the social level and the needs of the groups in their respective cultural particularities. 2) the lack of state social policies that can regulate the dynamics of the private sector in terms of establishing efficient treatments within the health system, and 3) the need to promote government actions that establish a balance between health as a human right and service private.References
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