Violence and crime: The case of the municipality of Chalco, State of Mexico.
Space, attachment, violence, criminality, identity.Abstract
The current conditions of violence in México are not exclusive to our country, it is a situation that is experienced throughout contemporary society, in some with greater presence than in others, so that crime has been a problem social of particular attention for social science. Hence the importance of establishing a reflection from sociology, crossing the analysis between the importance acquired by the social space, as a creator of attachment and identity and its relationship with the growth of crime and violence as a result of detachment and spatial attachment. Communication in this particularly, supported by the review of official data (SESNSP, 2019, INEGI, 2019, INAFEDE, 2018) regarding the conditions and reporting of criminal violence that are lived in a community, with characteristics of a migrant population, such as Chalco, a municipality of the State of México, and supported by a methodology qualitative, we explore the conditions and characteristics that have led to the increase of criminal violence during the presidency of Enrique Peña Nieto. The results of the investigation show that the conditions of vulnerability in which the inhabitants of this municipality live, have fostered a culture of transgression, detachment and fear, imposed by the criminal violence that is lived in the community, and that forced their inhabitants, to reconfigure the use of their spaces.References
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