The female image in cuban art. An analysis from the gender perspective
Feminine image in art, Cuban art, naif art, gender studies.Abstract
The treatment of the feminine image in Cuban art responds to the historical evolution of the representation of women in the international arena. During its development it has been tied to the canons established by a patriarchal culture, particularly in naive art, which reflects the subjectivity of the authors without mediating the academic filters. In the Cuban scenario there is not an abundance of scientific literature on the representation of the feminine image in art and its intrinsic relationship with the social contexts of women, which in Cuba and Latin America are connected to a historically phallocentric culture. The objective of the study is to identify the characteristics of the feminine image in Cuban art, with emphasis on naive art. To obtain results, methods at the theoretical and empirical levels are used. In the theoretical level the historical-logical method were used. At the empirical level, documentary analysis is used, mainly the authors María Teresa Alario (2000), Adelaida de Juan (2002, 2006) and Yolanda Wood (2017). This article deals with the treatment of the feminine image in Cuban art from a gender perspective. It is concluded that the representation of the feminine image in Cuban naive art responds to the patriarchal domination schemes normalized in the current Cuban society.References
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