Responsible State and Participation in Citizen Security in Latin America
Citizen security, citizen participation, Responsible State, Latin America.Abstract
Latin America is considered one of the most violent and insecure regions on the planet, and this is due to a lack of access to basic services and extreme poverty, especially in countries such as: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela; This is due to the deficiency of the penal system, which limits the possibilities of development in those countries. Given this, the States in the region have resorted to new approaches to security based on people, the effectiveness of police processes in matters of citizen security. Hence, the responsible State and citizen participation in citizen security are describes, from the perspectives of Muggah (2017, 2018), Mockus (2005) and the Inter-American Development Bank (2012), among others. For this, we was used from the documentary and bibliographic review on the elements of governance, state challenges, as well as the social and political actors involved. It is concluded that Latin America requires the joint intervention of the responsible state and citizen participation for the execution of citizen security programs to socially and institutionally empower themselves to prevent and control crime from the local level and in the region.References
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