Applied mathematics in crisis scenarios (Covid-19)
COVID-19, applied mathematics, educational scenarios, economy.Abstract
Applied mathematics is part of undergraduate and postgraduate university education. In this essay, applied mathematics will be used to study the psychological, economic and educational effects upon the population, caused by a crisis scenario as COVID-19. The mathematical theories developed in this essay are Chaos Theory, Markov Chains and Nash Theory. COVID-19 has spread throughout the world, affecting populations and countries, without distinction of race, economic, political or socio-cultural position. The impact that COVID-19 has caused on the world population could be measured, in the medium and long term, through changes in psychological behavior, social, health, economic and educational habits. This impact will leave deep traces and moral dilemmas that will permit prioritize which areas and the political effort directed to each one.Downloads
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How to Cite
Morales Rangel, M. D. V. (2021). Applied mathematics in crisis scenarios (Covid-19). SAPIENTIAE, 6(2), 222-230.