Education in Science, Technology and Society for the investigative training of the civil engineer.
CTS approach, Investigative Training, Social Problems of Science and Technology, Teaching-learning process.Abstract
The objective of this article is to explain a didactic procedure to contribute to the research training of students from the teaching-learning process (PEA) of the subject Social Problems of Science and Technology (PSCT), in the Civil Engineering career of the University Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. It starts from analyzing the insufficiencies that persist in the training of civil engineers regarding their research development caused by the characteristics assumed by the training process. From the content study method of different authors Restrepo Gómez (2003), Hilarraza (2012), Zamora Vega (2014), Márquez Valdés y Acosta Urbano (2014), among others, the relationship between Investigative Training - Science Technology and Society Approach (CTS) - Teaching-Learning Process of the PSCT subject is established. A survey was applied to teachers to determine causes of the insufficiencies of the student training process. The content study and the diagnosis made allowed the elaboration of a didactic procedure to improve the teaching learning process of the subject. The new didactic procedure was implemented in the third year of the Civil Engineering career of the University Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. Systematic evaluations of established indicators and significant results were recorded and subjected to statistical tests. Theorists studied through different authors.References
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