Interdisciplinary relationships between Web Informational Behavior and User Experience
Web Behavior, User Experience, bibliometric method, Scopus, scientific disciplines.Abstract
Web Informational Behavior and User Experience are scientific disciplines that share common aspects. There are no previous studies that delimit the relationships between the disciplines Web Informational Behavior and User Experience from a metric perspective. The study's objective was to characterize the relationships between the disciplines Web Informational Behavior and User Experience from the analysis of the scientific production of the disciplines of knowledge. To obtain results, methods were used, mainly the bibliometric. It is concluded that the studies of informational behavior of users at an international level contemplate the Web space to determine how the interaction is. The analysis of scientific disciplines from their production allowed the identification of relations around themes, institutions, countries, and languages, among others. The disciplinary relationship between the disciplinary relationship of Web Informational Behavior and User Experience is incipient. There are common points, especially in using techniques for user study, but the relationship between the two disciplines is not explicitly conceived.References
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