Mexico in the new normality and post-pandemic: towards the construction of the popular field
Progressivism, right, popular subject, strategic spaces, popular fieldAbstract
This article aims to show readers the current state of political processes in Latin America, especially those derived from the crisis, the pandemic, and the scenario revealed in the New Normality. It is necessary to describe the trends in the new governments, similarities and distances with the "progressive" wave, the characteristics in each country, and above all, explain the mistakes made in past decades to avoid them today; also, to make known what concerns the relations with the popular area, sometimes sifting these links through utilitarian advantages, others with subordination or denial their contributions in electoral victories. The break within the continuity has provided opportunities to significant segments with conservative ideology, who have positioned their bishops in several Latin American countries. In Mexico, they are building an interesting scenario in the government-popular area connection; it is an unprecedented axis, dressed in plain language, the sowing of rights in strategic spaces of the popular area aimed at giving voice, granting rights, incorporating mobilizations, and renewing the axis of sovereignty between army and people. The applied methodology is based on a field diary fed with notes, events, conflict records, trends in narratives, and the position of governments on the international scene. At the same time, we have a database built in the period 1990-2022; in it, there is an actor map, new protests and popular movements, changes in their demands, mobilizations, and trajectories in alliances and strengthening of strategic spaces. All the above is derived from practical experiences, visits to countries, conflict zones, and advice in some cases where it has been requested.References
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