Scientific dissemination in the Angolan press
Science Communication, Press, Scientific Culture, ScienceAbstract
Science communication in the press is an old activity; the frictions between scientists and journalists that always have characterized science communication have been overcome since scientists made journalists privileged partners to communicate science. The research proposes to analyze the indications that are embodied in evidence of science communication in the Angolan press; and relies on the theoretical support of Schäfer (2011), Mendonça (2017), and Fonseca (2018). Thus, the research seeks to answer the question - is there evidence embodied in actions that promote scientific culture in the Angolan press? To answer it, a qualitative and quantitative methodology was used to analyze 200 science articles, of which 100 from the year 2019 and 100 from 2021 were taken from three national newspapers - Journal de Angola, OPaís, and ANGOP PRESS. Results suggest that in the Angolan press, seem to be no regular spaces to communicate science; there is an absence of the press articulation with science-producing institutions. Besides, science news in the media is characterized by the significant presence of politicians giving speeches on science and technology policies; almost nothing is reported on scientific results produced in Higher Education Institutions. We hope the present text will strengthen the debate on promoting scientific culture in Angola since the press and other institutions do not present indicators for that to happen.References
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