Community outreach, a fundamental task of intercultural universities, the case of the universidad autónoma indígena de México.
Bonding, University, Community, Transcendence, native peoplesAbstract
Universities have a double commitment to educating their students to be good citizens with norms and values that allow them to live and coexist in society. On the other hand, create close ties with the community through bonding since this only process allows integration to educational programs the demands that the population requires and requests their professionals develop and learn in this University-Community fusion. The UAIM has one of its priorities to work on community bonding, which is why it has made it one of the four priority axes for each educational program, with the "Adopt a Community" program, we seek to add efforts that pay for the professional training of its students. When we started the research project, we set ourselves the main objective: Promote links with the community through research that favors the cultural persistence of native peoples while proposing to be digital repositories of social-cultural practices. The proposed methodology includes horizontal methodologies and participatory action research based on permanent fieldwork, recording each aspect, and each opinion of those who live, seeking that the interpretation is horizontal and shared with the people living in communality.References
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