Representation of black women from the audiovisual. Analysis of the short films: Cores e Botas (2010) and O Dia de Jerusa (2014)
, Black cinema, Brazil, Afro-Brazilian representationAbstract
This article deals with the representation of Afro-Brazilian women in the Brazilian audio-visuals industry. To do so, we first collected technical-theoretical data on the state of Brazilian cinema in relation to the representation of the black ethnicity. It can be seen through these, a structural racism prevailing in the sector, in addition to the gender exclusion. Therefore, we seek to analyse whether two peripherally circulated short films, directed by black women, fit the Dogma Feijoada (Carvalho & Domingues, 2018): Colours and Boots – “Cores e botas” (Juliana Vicente, 2010) and Jerusa’s day – “O dia de Jerusa” (Viviane Ferreira, 2014). In view of the points on the representation in César dos Santos and Berardo (2013), Raiter (2001), Jaguaribe and Lissovsky (2014), we opted for a figural analysis of the two films, according to Dubois (2012) and Brenez (1998). Thus, we find in them plastic elaborations capable of contributing to questioning the representation of the Afro-Brazilian woman.References
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