Health emergencies in media context. Bibliometric review in scopus (2002-2022)
health, media, communication, bibliometrics, covid-19Abstract
Within the framework of the research project "Information coverage of the Coronavirus in the Colombian digital press", this work was developed to know the state of the art on health emergencies, such as COVID-19, in the context of the media (traditional and digital). This work was developed to know state of the art on health emergencies, such as COVID-19, in the context of the media (both traditional and digital). The search for information was carried out in the Scopus database, using a search strategy through the title or title/abstract. Keywords were obtained from the literature already published on "Health emergencies in media context", using search strings with Boolean AND/OR operators (health AND emergencies AND media). Information retrieval was performed on August 22, 2022. A total of 5,967 studies met the referral criteria for "Healt emergencies in media context". Data were also exported in RIS format for analysis in VOSviewer 1.6.8 software. Although media coverage of health emergencies has been taken as a starting point, this research has gone further, not only because relationships have been found between health emergencies and other platforms, such as social networks, but also because scientific evidence has been detected on the potential that the media can have to curb and even prevent diseases. It was found that scientific production on health emergencies in the context of the media has evolved in the last ten years (2002-2022), with a peak in 2020. It is concluded that the scientific approach to health emergencies in the context of the media demands multidisciplinary work. When the authors' keyword co-occurrence analysis was carried out, four clusters were identified in which the term "human" stood out with close relationships with the words "emergency room", "masculine", "feminine", "elderly", cohort analysis, and hospitalization.References
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