University education and social responsibility: reflective notes for debate in Angola
University education, social responsability, sustainable development, Angola.Abstract
In this reflection, which is based on the bibliographic review, may be questioned the relationship between university education and social responsibility in Angola. Insist on the impossibility of not having development without training, an even more relevant issue when related to Higher Education. This social responsibility comes from the possibility of access to knowledge to convert social life into a more harmonious space for fulfillment, expression of a new way of being. University education and social responsibility are two fundamental dimensions to perceive the task of the University and essential indicators to determine the sustainable development of countries in the 21st century, because, given the profound changes of humanity, this context requires the ability to deal with them. in a less traumatic way in the political, economic, social, cultural, ecological, humanitarian dimensions, among others. This training to face global alterations in an assertive and creative way constitutes the greatest challenge for those who are trained in the Intuitions of Higher Education. Because of this reflection, it is understood that the magnitude and quality of university training opportunities may be in close proportion to the opportunities to participate in the development processes of the countries and to take advantage of their benefits. This logic cannot be an exception in Angola which, for example, has, among the other countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), a greater need to value human resources as the most decisive asset to project the country in the line of social and human development.References
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