From governance to clientelism in the municipality of Temoaya, State of Mexico
Governance, Tourism, Temoaya, Mexico.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to identify whether tourism governance in the municipality of Temoaya, State of Mexico is exercised from a network approach through orderly and integrated cooperation with public, private and social actors. For the case of the research, an analytical and descriptive approach to the concept of governance and tourism was analyzed in the first part, where it is identified that this tool is used to contemplate the interests of all the actors for joint decision making in territorial and social development. In the second phase, for the analysis of the field work, a design proposed by Cresswell (2009) was applied, in which it was investigated from the quantitative part and then from the qualitative part, identifying the similar and different findings in each of the instruments used and thus, distinguishing the characteristics of these, The conclusions obtained were that in the dynamics of tourism stakeholders in the municipality there is no interrelation between the same groups of stakeholders, nor between other stakeholders, defining tourism governance in Temoaya, State of Mexico as idealistic at present, since the linkage between them is divided by groups and sectors.References
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