The visibility of the social sciences in topics about the Covid-19 in Redalyc
scientific visibility, Science socialization, emerging themes, COVID-19Abstract
The objective of this article is to reflect, based on an exploratory bibliometric analysis, about the evolution of the socialization of the social sciences in emerging issues between 2019 and 2022, specifically the publication of research on the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Scientific Information System RedALyC. The foregoing in order to questioning whether the haste (excitement) of publishing an emerging topic could have relaxed the editorial criteria of said publications to the detriment of their quality. Because it is an exploratory analysis on an emerging topic and because of the arguments put forward throughout this research, it is not possible to draw conclusions, but only to ask questions about the if editorials inserted in a university or research center that published the 2795 articles object of study in the temporal delimitation adhered to normal editorial times, respected their lines of research, relaxed the ruling criteria and, if this was the case, the quality of what was published on the subject of COVID-19 was reduced.References
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