Legal infrarealism. The infrarealist approach as a methodological proposal in times of artificial intelligence
Legal infra-realism, philosophical movement, artificial intelligence.Abstract
Infra-realism in law, as an emerging philosophical concept, offers an alternative perspective on law in Mexico and Latin America. Inspired by the infrarealist poetic movement, it seeks to question the effectiveness and fairness of the legal system. Through art, social critique, and dialogue, this subversive methodological approach proposes transforming law towards a more humane and contextualized justice. In the realm of artificial intelligence and its advancements, this article is an initial approach that aims to explore how legal infra-realism can address contemporary challenges in the AI era. Employing a methodology that embraces an interdisciplinary approach and literature review, the viability of its application in a technological context is examined. The findings suggest that legal infra-realism presents a valuable outlook for confronting the challenges and opportunities posed by technology in the legal sphere. Its creative and contextualized approach aligns with the necessary adaptation in a world driven by artificial intelligence.References
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