Violent Colima: from fear to indolence
Drug violence, social fear and insecurity, factual power, Rule of Law.Abstract
The year 2022 came to mark for the state of Colima, Mexico, the beginning of a state of war, where social fear, insecurity and terror prevail in the streets before the declared manifestation of the drug trafficker even from the prison context from the month of January, when the "encounter" between cartels and organized crime broke out, took over the streets and avenues, highways and paths that were the central point for the placement of direct drug messages, and "protection" of bodies of both men and women, product of torture and homicides, thus implanting a strong social, economic and political crisis. Under the theoretical reflection of some versed in the matter, such as Salazar and Heinrich (2014), Fernández and Salazar (2016), Salazar (2017), Mohar (2018), Enríquez (2020), Tirado (2021), among others, the context of an entity that went from everyday life to self-enclosement in the face of fear and insecurity generated by being faced with an exchange of bullets between the opposing groups of drug trafficking cells, and after that, to watch it naturally. The objective of this research is to reflect on the patterns of violence that in the first months of 2022 began to arise in the state of Colima, Mexico, as a result of the positioning of organized crime, which at the time surpassed the same institutional forces, which in the face of a history of peace and tranquility that characterized the state for past decades, it did not foresee a strategy to confront this de facto power: the drug traffickers; thus unleashing a wave of terror in the inhabitants who day by day witness the growing number of homicides and armed attacks that occur at any time and date.References
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