The presence of racism in the Native American Apache ethnic group; Silver City, New Mexico, USA
Racism, discrimination, Apache ethnic groupAbstract
The importance of the issue of racism present in the apache ethnic group is of great relevance due to the sense of urgency that the ways in which racism is represented must be made visible. The research offers relevance because it makes visible the current situation of the representations of racism, due to the importance of the apache culture it becomes relevant; since there is a shortage of studies directly related to the topic and the ethnic group, the justification of the research is the contribution of knowledge of the presence and forms of racism; It stands out that the most predominant is due to its color, without leaving aside education, ethnicity, language, culture, religion, sacred ceremonies, social classes and ranks, technological changes, among other forms of representation. The main objective is to determine the ways in which racism occurs among the original Apache settlers. The methodology applied is under the qualitative approach, with an ethnographic method, grounded theory is used; The study is conducted in Silver City, New Mexico, USA. with the support of Western New Mexico University, during an academic stay carried out by the author in May 2018. Finally, the results are presented that show the presence of racism in its different forms such as language, origin, sacred ceremonies, education and lack of inclusion in the study programs of the times that the ethnic group requires for its sacred ceremonies; The conclusions are presented, establishing lines of research for future studies.
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